To the recently revamped Url-Center website. I felt it was time to give this site a much needed spruce up and visual over haul.
This site has been in existance since Spring 1999 and to date has more then 40,000 web addresses listed as links.
It is my hope that the changes that currently bing made will make the site easier to use for all who visit and for.
So what's changed?
Well for starters the wood panel background has been dumped in favor of the grey computer back ground you see here. Second the the big black and yellow web buttons have also been drop and replaced with a new smaller, slimer design. Third the individual category names are no longer listed on twenty six pages. Instead they have been pulled together in to one list broken up on to just a few pages. Fourth the individual categories will now be titled by a page number instead of named. This will free up space on our FortuneCity server and allow for some new additions we have planned.
In addition to the changes we have planned we also plan to add some mirror sites of this site in case anything happens to this site or our present server.
What's coming?
In the near future we will be creating a photo gallery of wierd, wild and amazing photo's found in various places on the internet. We will also be adding a "Link Page of the Week" These pages will feature both current and new link pages.
As Always we encourage your feed back to help make this site the best it can possibly be.
TJ - Urlcenter Webmaster